Careers in glass

Currently open positions
Our currently open positions in Perth and Melbourne can be found here or on Seek. Can't see your ideal role? We welcome proactive enquiries for employment. Please contact us for a confidential employment discussion.
Glass Printing Operator
Delivery Driver
Factory Hand
Career pathways
Looking to start your career in the glass industry? We provide career pathways in processing and glazing, supported by ongoing training and development opportunities through AGWA, TAFE and other leading training organisations.

Careers in glass processing
Glass processing is where it all begins, and provides a wealth of learning and career advancement opportunities. You will learn your craft on equipment from the leading global manufacturers, and develop the foundational skills for building a successful career in the glass industry.
Learn all aspects of how we process glass, from handling through to cutting, edge work and toughening. Once you have mastered the essentials, you can progress to specialised processing areas such as digital printing, 4SG warm edge IGU manufacture, and custom laminates. From here we offer pathways to supervisor and leading hand roles, with overall responsibility for key processing sections.

Careers in glazing
